The Source of Desperation — and the Well in the Desert
The Basis and Circle of Life What I am offering in this essay is not really a scientific view or an empirically verifiable set of facts and arguments. I still want to invite you to consider the following hypotheses with as open of a mind as you can. I will focus on some core principles […]
Mastering Life — A Vision
The Well in a Nutshell While preparing to publish essays on this website, I have been asked by people to explain, “what are you writing about?” This is not an easy question to answer. I appreciate that having a very short description of the content and how I imagine this site may support people — […]
Some General Notes
I wanted to offer a few notes from the outset. If you feel you are pressed for time, or you have read an essay before, I have highlighted key thoughts in bold, giving you a quick way of scanning the text for critical pieces first, allowing you to subsequently delve into whatever resonates with you […]
The Basic Story — How We Got Here
Where is Here? If I am successful with this website, I will be able to take you on a journey through human experience, both in today’s world, and how we might have come to where we are now through evolutionary processes. The following questions that I hope to bring some awareness to and, with some […]
Welcome to the Well
The image of the Well in the Desert came to me as a shorthand. I tried to describe to several people the feeling I have when I become aware of the duality of aliveness: on the one hand it is the source of great joy and positive excitement, and on the other hand it is […]